Partnering with friends in Ghana, West Africa in education, rural development, and relationships.

Kid of the Month: Francis

April 1st, 2016

Get to Know Me!

Name: Francis Guo

Age/Year in School: 17 years old in Grade 11


My Favorites:

Book: I like to read books by John C. Maxwell

Color: Blue and Limon Green

Sport: Basketball

Animal: Horse

Subject in School: Government and Maths

Things to do in my free time: Play video games

Bible verse, story or book: The book of Proverbs


More about Me...

What do I want to be when I grow up?

- I want to be happy in life

If I could have ANY super power what would it be?  

- To stop corruption

What am I most thankful for?

- I'm thankful for the life God has given me